| If you have any feedback on how we can make our new website better please do contact us. We would like to hear from you. | |
New Shoot dates are now set for 2016! Please look at our Shoot Schedule page!
Men-Bowhunter 1st------ 2nd----- 3rd------
Women-Bowhunter 1st------ 2nd----- 3rd-----
Men-Open Class 1st------ 2nd----- 3rd-----
Men-Senior Open Class 1st-----
Men-Traditional 1st------
Women-Traditional 1st------ Boys-Young Adult Bowhunter 1st------ 2nd-----
Girls-Youth Open 1st-----
Boys-Cub 1st----- 2nd----- 3rd----- Girls-Cub Boys-Peewee
Girls-Peewee 1st-----
Men Senior- 1st----- 2nd-----
Woman Senior- 1st-----