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Membership Advantages


As a member of Bushmen Archers, Inc. you are entitled to use the range at anytime during daylight hours throughout the current membership year. The membership year expires annually on May 31st. Members are encouraged to use the range at their leisure during daylight hours, help maintain the range at range workdays, help with club shoots, and attend the clubs annual meeting. 

A non-member may shoot one time as a guest of a member of Bushmen Archers, Inc. in good standing. After shooting as a guest, our club policy requires you to become a member in order to shoot the range again for recreation.

There are four membership options:

1. Individual Membership- Entitles the member to a key to the Gate, and to use the club's facilities. Member lives in the St. Helens area, including Linnton through Rainier. Cost is $60.00 per year.

2. Family Membership: Entitles the member and the immediate family to a key to the gate and to use the clubs facilities. Member lives in the St. Helens area including Linnton through Rainier. Cost is $70.00 per year. 

3. Out of town individual Membership:  Entitles the member to a key to the gate and to use the clubs facilities. Member lives outside the St. Helens area and beyond Linnton and Rainier. Cost is $35.00 per year.

Out of town family membership:  Entitles the member and his immediate family to a key to the gate and to use the club facilities. Member lives outside the St. Helens area and beyond Linnton and Rainier. Cost is $45.00 a year.

To become a member of Bushmen Archers Inc, Click HERE for the membership form, then print and mail it with your check to the address printed on the form. 

For further information
click here to contact the membership chairman

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